
9/3/00 | 9/9/00 | 10/9/00 | 10/28/00 | 11/04/00 | 11/23/00 | 12/06/00 | 01/02/01 | 01/22/01 | 02/16/01 | 03/03/01 | 03/07/01 | 03/21/01 | 04/02/01 | 04/10/01 | 04/18/01 | 04/29/01 | 05/17/01 | 05/23/01 | 05/25/01 | 06/05/01 | 07/01/01 | 08/16/01 | 08/17/01
Building Mark V 39

Panarama view

Panarame View

I figured out how to use the "panarama" function on the digital camara. Above is a view of the shop, showing both boats, and my clutter.

I've been working on the "interior details" of the boat, lots of tedious stuff, bot not much that shows up on photos.

To the next page...
