The windshield side and front frames are cut out of 3/4" plywood. The sides were cut out, a 3/4" cleat was glued
to the bottom, and then the bottom was planed to match the angle of the deck. Temporary braces were used to hold them plumb.
A scrap of 1/4" plywood was used to make a pattern for the bottom curve of the front windshield frame. The deck camber
pattern was clamped in place, and a level was used to mark the upper curve.
The bottom of the 3/4" plywood was cut to the angle of the windshield, and then glued in place. Fillets will be added
The aft cabin roof posts were laminated from 2 layars of pine, to make 1 1/2" square posts. 3/4" pine was cut to
the roof crown curve, and glued to the posts.
Notches were cut for the 3/4" by 2" roof beams, which were then glued in place.
The boat is now ready to glue the roof on, which will be one layer of 1/4" plywood.
