After the bulkhead openings were cut, The bunk flats and cabin sole were cut to fit. First, a pattern was made with scraps
of plywood and drywall screws. The shape was cut out of 1/2" plywood, and trimmed to fit. It is a very good way to get
the shape of oddly shaped panels, not much trimming was required to get the piece to fit.
The cockpit sole frames were also installed.
The V-berth was completed, and the portholes were cut out. The gas tanks are 2 Tempo 18 gallon tanks, located under the
counter in the galley on both sides. the outside pieces of the cockpit floor were glued down. The center sections will be
The foredeck was glued in. It was made in two sections with a butt-block. The helm was installed, and a shelf was put under
The cut-out was made in the transom for the outboard, and two layers of 3/4" plywood was laminated inside the transom
for the motor mount. The sides of the self bailing well were glued in place, and a cutout was made for the shelf that
the Porti-Potti will go in.

Gas tank under shelf |

Motor mount |