The mast is two layers of pine laminated together to make a 3" by 3" piece. There was a groove routed into one side of
the mast before gluing to run the wires through. The boom is also 3" by 3". It is held up by 3 galvanized wire shrouds, with
a quick-release fitting in the bow, so it can be easily lowered for bridges. It pivots on a bolt two feet up on the tabernacle.
There is a boat trailer winch mounted on the boom for hoisting the dinghy. After launching the boat, I discovered that whole
rig was inadiquate and has to be redone.
My Sister carved the name boards out of Mahogony, the only exterior varnish on the boat.
The picture on the bottom shows the new KFC buiding and parking lot, which was the reason I had to move out of the shop. The
owner let me keep the boat on the property to finish it.
