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2001 page 3
Travel log

Vinice, LA to Ft Myers Beach, FL

10/29 Tried to get to Chandelier islands, supposed to be 10 knot E winds. Started with not much wind, but leftover chop. Pretty rough. I figured it would calm down when I got to the lee of Chandlier reef, but when I got there the wind started to blow from the NE about 15 knots. Started getting choppy. I tried to tack into it for a while, but still pounded too much. Got to within 15 miles of destination, but had to turn back. It kept getting rougher, the boat doesnt steer worth a dam heading down steep following seas, it kept broaching. Finally got back tha bayou, and anchored in what I thaught was a side river, but turned out to have traffic. Spent another half hour trying to anchor as close to the bank as possible. Ran 10 hours, used up 3/4 tank of gas, and made 5 miles progress. Ill try again tomorrow.

10/30 15 knot NE winds forcast, went back to Venice.

10/31 To midway up the Chandelier Islands. 15 knot E wind forcast, got 10 knot NE winds. Slammed into it all day. Wind finally went around to E after I anchored. Had to anchor 1 mile offshore, lots of extremely shallow water. Took dinghy in and went to beach, too many oyster shells.

10/31 To midway up the Chandelier Islands. 15 knot E wind forcast, got 10 knot NE winds. Slammed into it all day. Wind finally went around to E after I anchored. Had to anchor 1 mile offshore, lots of extremely shallow water. Took dinghy in and went to beach, too many oyster shells.

11/1/01 To Biloxi, Mississippi. Nice big swells coming in off the gulf, but otherwise not too bad, light E winds. Good anchorage and nice dinghy dock at Biloxi.

11/6 To Dauphin Island, a little choppy at first, but became calm.

11/7 To Grand Mariner Marina, Dog river. Nice and calm.

11/8 Got 30 gallons gas, went up dog river to a friends waterfront house.

Sunset on the Gulf

Gulf Coast schooner reproduction, Mobile, AL

Riverboat in New Orleans

At a marina in Venice

Houseboats in Venice

Venice shrimp boats

Wrecked boats near Venice

Biloxi, Mississippi

My Friends back yard, Mobile

2001 page 4

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