Mark V Designs
Mark V 20
Mark V 28
Mark V 36 Commuter
Mark V 39

Welcome boatbuilders and dreamers.

This Web Site is dedicated to Clarence Van Abbema, My Father, who passed away April 1st, 2004.  Without his support and encouragement, I would never have had the guts to attempt a project like this.

Mark V Designs specialized in classic fuel-efficient power boat disigns for the home builder. 

See WoodenBoat #167, page 86, for an article about the Mark V 39.

I started building the Mark V 39 in the beginning of August, 2000, and it was launched early September, 2001.
My Dad started building the Mark V 20 in October, 2000, and it was launched in November, 2001.

Building plans for both boats are  available.

The Mark V 28 is a smaller, trailerable version of the Mark V 39.

The new Mark V 36 Commuter is a design I submited to the WoodenBoat/Profesional Boatbuilder Design Challenge II compitition.  Building plans are now available.

Mark V 36 Commuter

Order plans from

If you have any comments or questions, please e-mail me

Heart of Gold II travel log

In the water
Pilgrim IV

Launching day, November 2001.

the Mark V 28

In the water
Heart of Gold II

above is the photo of the completed Mark V 39, taken 09/13/01

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